Friday, June 18, 2010

The Adventure Begins

I have always had a great love for reading ever since I was young. My sisters and I used to astonish the library staff by checking out piles of books and bringing them back just a week later. We used to be allowed to read at the table which was shocking to other people. But our Mom loved to read too. I still love to read today although I don't read as much as I used to. There are so many distractions today: TV, Netflix, iPod, Blackberry etc. But there is still nothing like picking up a book. A physical book! Don't get me started on eReaders because I am still on the fence. This blog is my way of challenging myself to read at least 5 books a month. It makes me sad to write that because that used to be no problem. I am back in school however which does curtail my reading a little. But I am determined to start reading again. Because reading is what helped me develop my imagination and creativity. So join me on this adventure!