Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Love For Lucy Maud Montgomery Books

One of my favorite authors is Lucy Maud Montgomery. I love all her books and have been reading them since I was very young. But it may surprise you to hear that the Anne of Green Gables books are not my favorite. In fact they are pretty far down the list. It isn't that I don't like the books because I do. It's just that she has so many other books that are better. Here are my favorite L. M. Montgomery books or series in order:

1. The Blue Castle
2. Emily of New Moon books
3. Pat of Silver Bush books
4. Rilla of Ingleside (I know technically it is a part of the Anne series but I consider it a stand alone)
5. Kilmeny of the Orchard
6. The Golden Road
7. Magic for Marigold
8. Anne of Green Gables books
9. Jane of Lantern Hill
10. The Story Girl
11. Chronicles of Avonlea
12. Further Chronicles of Avonlea

Today I want to talk about my favorite book. The reason I love The Blue Castle is because Valency gets to do what people dream of doing: Telling off people keeping you down and venturing into the world with no fear. Of course it is unlikely that she would have done this if it wasn't for the doctor's diagnosis. Because she has been given a death sentence she suddenly becomes free to do whatever she wants to do and really live her life for the first time. I love the word pictures in this book. This is what most attracts me to all of Montgomery's books. She paints these gorgeous word pictures that you can see in your head. For instance, when Valency first sees The Blue Castle: "There was a diaphanous lilac mist on the lake, shrouding the island. Through it the two enormous pine-trees that clasped hands over Barney's shack loomed out like dark turrets. Behind them was a sky still rose-hued in the after light, and a pale young moon." I can just see that in my head. It is beautiful. I love her flowery language. It may seem overdone to some people today but I have always thought it beautiful. I am currently rereading this book so finding lots of good quotations this morning.

"Love! What a searing, torturing, intolerably sweet thing it was--this possession of body, soul and mind."

"Sometimes the pine boughs tapped against the panes with friendly signals. Sometimes she heard the little hissing whisper of snow against them right at her side. Some nights the whole outer world seemed given over to the empery of silence; then came nights when there would be a majestic sweep of wind pines: nights of dear starlight when it whistled freakishly and joyously around the Blue Castle; brooding nights before storm when it crept along the floor of the lake with a low, wailing cry of brooding and mystery."

I think the beauty of L.M. Montgomery's books are the love and sympathy you always feel for her heroines. They all come from sad backgrounds and a lot of them are orphans. They have to pick themselves up and keep moving on no matter what tragic circumstances happen. L.M. Montgomery has lots of wisdom to impart through her words and books!

If you have never read L.M. Montgomery I suggest you do so as soon as possible. She will open up a beautiful world to you. If you have read her books please tell me in the comments below what your favorite book is and why. And if you haven't get started reading today!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2014 Reading Updates

Oh blog how I have neglected you! I have actually read more books this year than I have in years previous. I have read so much plus been busy with work and life that I haven't updated my blog since January. I have decided to commit to writing in this blog at least once a month. We shall see what happens. I used to write all the time but my skills have really become rusty.

Anyway on to an update of what I have been reading this year and how my book challenges are going. First, I have been religious about using Goodreads to track all my books this year. I have been on Goodreads since 2010 but only used it sporadically. This year, I took some time and set up shelves which has made tracking books I have read so much easier. Also, it has been super helpful if I want to read the next book in a series but don't quite remember which one I read last.

Another goal I had this year was to spend less money on books and check out more books from the library. I have always felt a little guilty about checking out books instead of buying them until I read an author (sorry I can't remember who) who tweeted about libraries. She said the more books are checked out the better chance librarians have of getting books out to people and that it is good for authors. That was all I needed to hear! This year 74% of the books I read have been checked out from the library. Oh yeah did I mention that because of Goodreads I am going to share lots of statistics and numbers with you? One of my favorite things about my library is that when you check out books at the bottom of the receipt it tells you what you have saved by borrowing instead of buying. How much do I love this? I feel like I have earned a bunch of extra money although I haven't.  Here are just a few of the receipts I have from this year.

Another good thing to come from going to the library so often is that I have started volunteering there. My library is very special as I have been going to the same one since 1989. I always wanted to work there growing up so volunteering is second best!

I decided to only do two challenges this year. The first one is the What's In A Name 7 challenge. I have read a book in four of the five categories. Here they are--

A position of royalty
The Kings and Queens of Roam: A Novel by Daniel Wallace. This book is by the author of Big Fish which I absolutely loved. This book wasn't as good but I still enjoyed it. I love the darkness of Wallace's writing in this book. It often takes a grim turn but I really liked the magical elements.   

A number written in letters: Thirteen Reasons Why  by Jay Asher. This book was so good. It was very sad and heart wrenching but I couldn't put it down. Sometimes when I read a book like this where there is a sad tragedy I wish that the ending could change and they would miraculously be alive. Definitely check this book out but only when you are in the mood for a sad read.

A forename or names: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
by E. Lockhart. I LOVED this book. Give me a book about boarding school and a 16 year old semi criminal in training and you have me hooked. Seriously I have read so many boarding school books this year (8) that I made a whole Goodreads shelf. This book is funny and I love E. Lockhart's writing. I really want to check out more of her books after reading this one. 

A type of element or weather: Monsoon Summer
by Mitali Perkins.  Ok I am not ashamed to admit I adore young adult books. Just because books are written for 15 & 16 year olds etc doesn't mean they can't be enjoyed by adults. Let's be honest I am 32 years old but I still think I am 16 sometimes because of the books, movies and TV shows I enjoy. Some of the best books I have read this year are young adult books. In fact, 36% of the books I have read this year are young adult books. Monsoon Summer was an excellent book. I love how Jazz is a teenage entrepreneur.  I wish I had started my own business at fifteen. The description of the food in this book makes me want Indian food right now. I can't wait to read more of Mitali Perkins books.

The second challenge I am doing this year is Jon Acuff's Empty Shelf challenge. I credit this challenge with making me read more books this year than I have in a long time. I have always been a big reader but the past few years it has fallen away due to working hard on my business. I have made it a priority this year to read as many books as I can. I also participate in Jon Acuff's 30 Days of Hustle and one of my hustles a few months ago was to read a book a week. I was excited to reach that goal. I think reading is really important in keeping your mind in shape and taking some time for yourself.  Reading relaxes me and I love to get swept away into other worlds, times and places. Check out my shelf on Goodreads to see all the books I have read for the Empty Shelf challenge. I have read one hundred twenty-six books for the challenge. I just want to highlight four of my favorite books I have read for this challenge.

To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee. Here is the biggest shame of my reading life: I just read this book for the first time earlier this month. This book definitely lived up to the hype. Wow, it was so good. I could barely put it down. It broke my heart,  encouraged me, made me happy and sad. So, so good. I understand now why this is called one of the best books ever. 

Tell the Wolves I'm Home: A Novel
by Carol Rifka Brunt. This book brought me to tears several times. It is such a beautiful but sad story. It was full of emotion and complex feelings. It was one of those books where after I finished it I had to sit quietly and just absorb it. If there is any book you read in 2014, I recommend this one. 

Tell the Wolves I'm Home: A Novel
by Clint Hill. This book was really thorough on the five days surrounding the JFK assassination. It was written by Jackie Kenendy's Secret Service man. He was the one who crawled on the trunk to get to her after the shots. It was very well written and detailed and the personal account from someone so close to the terrible tragedy was very moving to read. There are also lots of photos in this book.

by Robert Galbraith. I started this book with a dose of skepticism. I had heard that many people didn't like the book. I also tried to forget that JK Rowling was actually the author. I ended up absolutely loving it! I enjoyed the flawed Cormoran Strike and although the murder plot wasn't the most brilliant the book was fast paced and exciting. I read it in just a few days. I have the second book on hold at the library (60 people in front of me yikes) and I can't wait to read it.

I promise I will be better about updating my blog for the latter half of 2014. I am always looking for new amazing books to read so please tell me the top four books you have read this year in the comments. Looking forward to adding to my to be read shelf

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